The Ohio Pest Management Association, OPMA, has much to offer and so many opportunities for growth and development for you and your business. From meetings that inspire new and innovative ideas, to committees that help bring people together and empower, to scholarships that help students further their education; OPMA is more than an association, we are a family that is here to support and help you grow. Here are some of the exciting events that have transpired over the past year.
1. OPMA Summer Meeting: If you missed this event in July of 2022 at Mohican State Park you won’t want to miss next year at Maumee Bay State Park July 13 – July 17 2022. When most people think of gathering for a Summer Meeting, they most likely expect to receive licensing credits or training while attending, but in Ohio, we take a step back and utilize the OPMA Summer Meeting as a time to network and bring our families closer together. It is what sets our organization apart from so many others and creates stronger bonds that can help us grow our businesses through networking.
OPMA is comprised of companies of all sizes and many that have been members of this association for years. As we gather at this meeting we sit around camp fires and tell stories, watch our kids run around the hotel, swim and play arcade games, have insect scavenger hunts with industry Entomologists and graduate students from the Entomology Department at the Ohio State University, connect at events for the Professional Women in Pest Management, raise money for the PAC Fund while playing corn hole tournaments have Silent auctions and Live Auctions to raise money for the Past President Scholarship and PAC Fund, play cards until the early hours in the morning, watch fireworks and create life-long friendships and so much more
2. Past Presidents Scholarship: We awarded $7500 worth of scholarships from the Past Presidents Scholarship Fund this year at the OPMA Summer Meeting; Alexandria Stocker with Apex Pest Control, Grace Davis with Columbus Pest Control and Rylee Boland with Scherzinger Pest Control were the recipients. If you are an OPMA member company and would like to apply here are the requirements:
- Student must be an owner, an immediate family member, employee, son or daughter of an employee, or employee’s spouse of an OPMA member firm.
- The university or college of student choice needs to be based in The United States of America. Student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Transcripts required for verification.
- Student must be a full-time student at university or college of choice.
- Student must be ineligible for the OPMA Ohio State University Scholarship.
- Student cannot be a previous recipient of the OPMA Past Presidents Scholarship.
DEADLINE to apply is February 28, 2023, Check out the link to the application here.
3. Fall Training September 21 & September 22, 2022: We traditionally have one day of educational training where you receive all your Ohio Department of Agriculture licensing credits. This year on the first day we have a great line up of speakers flying in from all over the country that you DO NOT want to miss. Please check out the agenda here. We also have a second day that is HANDS ON where you learn how to properly install termite bait stations, calibrate termite equipment, and complete liquid termite treatments. This year BASF is sponsoring the training! Thank you, BASF! If you would like to register for either day or both, please click here. These trainings are always highly informative and engaging!
4. ACE and PHE Training/Testing: Did you know that OPMA also offers a full day of ACE and PHE Training a couple days before the Winter Meeting with the opportunity to take the proctored test? The Entomological Society of America created the ACE certification, which is the Associate Certified Entomologist, to help increase the professionalism in the pest management industry. There are requirements to receive your ACE that can be found here The PHE Certification is the Public Health Entomology Certificate. Click hereto see the requirements for your PHE. The training is a great opportunity to sit down with fellow PMP’s and receive the information needed to help you pass the ACE or PHE and ask any questions in a laid back and comfortable environment. Please remember you will need to study prior to attending the training and testing. If you are interested in the ACE/PHE Training, please email [email protected]
5. OPMA has a new lobbyist: Anthony (Tony) Seegers with 1803 Consulting, LLC. He is also the lobbyist for OPARR (Ohio Professional Applicators for Responsible Regulation). Tony gives updates on any Legislative issue that would affect our industry. He graduated from the Ohio State University with a BA in Political Science and continued to Law School at Capital University Law School while working as a Legislative Aid in the Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Senate. After becoming an attorney, he served as an Assistant Attorney General to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office and was in private practice. He was the Director of Labor and Human Resources Policy for the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and then worked with the Farm Bureau as their Director of State Policy. We also have monthly meetings with OPMA/OPARR to stay up-to-date of industry issues.
6. Certification and Training Rules (C&T): The United States Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA, finalized the C&T Rules for those who handle restricted use pesticides. The Ohio Department of Agriculture, ODA, submitted new standards which are being reviewed by USEPA. The current standards will remain in place until the new ones are approved. The proposed approval deadline is November 4, 2022, but it may be extended. Click here to read the report from ODA.
7. Ohio PWIPM: We started an Ohio Chapter of the Professional Women in Pest Management this year. This group helps empower women in the Pest Management Industry. Creating a network of support, enhancing visibility of women in the industry, and providing a place where women in pest management are celebrated. We have an event every quarter, two coincide with our major meetings the Summer and Winter Meeting, and the other two are usually online via Zoom. If you are interested in attending one of the meetings, just send me an email and I will have J&M add you to the mailing list!
8. OPMA has a new Management Company: J&M Business Solutions out of Brunswick, Ohio is our current Management company. They are helping us set up meetings and send out mailers, emails, and newsletters to all of you! Here are some of their emails if you are interested [email protected], [email protected]
If you want to know more and want to get involved, please email me at [email protected]. We have numerous committees with different levels of engagement to help you get to know people. Joining a committee is the best way to immerse yourself in the association, get to know others and start networking to help you and your business get to the next level. Thank you to all who have volunteered over the year, your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed.
The Ohio Pest Management Association
New this Year!
OPMA is pleased to offer ADDITIONAL TRAINING!
Thursday, September 22, 2022
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Westgate Park Shelter House
3237 Wicklow Rd #3181
Columbus, OH 43204
Training Sponsored By:
Join us on for a specialized BASFfield workshop called the “Calculation-Situation” with Dr. Jason Meyers and Adrian Culpepper for termite applications in the field. Every home, business, and structure have one thing in common: they are all different! In response, it can be tough to know how to calculate the material we will use for different types of treatments. Come prepared to take a deeper dive into label comprehension, treatment specification, equipment calibration, and real-time demonstration of treatment examples for different structures.
Cost to Attend:
- $25 for Thursday only
- Free for those who attend the training on September 21
Thank you to everyone who attended OPMA's Summer Meeting. This years summer meeting took place at Mohican State Lodge.
Thank you to our Summer Meeting Sponsors!
Every year, NPMA gathers thousands of pest management professionals and industry suppliers from across the globe to offer opportunities for networking, education, and collaboration. PestWorld 2022
When you connect with other pest management professionals from around the world, you create greater possibilities—possibilities that advance your career, grow your business, and support your customers. PestWorld 2022 brings individuals from every facet of pest management together to share tactical knowledge, hear different perspectives on business trends, learn from the latest technical research, and form strong relationships.
Full Schedule Now Available!
There’s so much to do at PestWorld. From dynamic keynote speakers, educational sessions where you can earn CEUs, a huge exhibit hall, fun-filled social activities, and tons of networking opportunities- just to name a few, you’re going to want to start planning out your schedule now. Make the most of your experience and your time in Boston!
The Benefits of Membership
OPMA and NPMA are a powerhouse of valuable information, important news, expert guidance, unique benefits, and innovative ideas for the pest management industry. Our association is the best resource for you to Get Connected and help strengthen your business.
The Professional Women in Pest Management (PWIPM) is an affiliate group of the NPMA whose mission is to attract, develop & support women in the pest management industry through educational programs, resources & peer networking.
Legislative Updates from the Statehouse
Tax treatment of the sale of a business
Before leaving for summer break to campaign, the General Assembly passed several bills including a tax bill that changes the way the sale of a business is treated for tax purposes. House Bill 515 codifies two situations in which the sale of an ownership interest will be considered business income:
1. The sale is treated as a sale of assets for federal income tax purposes.
2. The seller materially participates in the activities of the business during the taxable year in which the interest was sold or during any of the five preceding taxable years. IRS rules for material participation generally consider the number of hours the taxpayer spent participating in the business, either on their own or in relation to other business participants.
From the bill’s analysis:
“When either of those two conditions exist, income from the sale will be considered business income. In the case on nonresidents, this means that a portion of the income will be taxable in Ohio, based on the proportion of the business’ activity that is apportioned to Ohio and subject to constitutional due process considerations. In the case of either residents or nonresidents, the income will be eligible for preferential treatment under the business income deduction and the 3% flat tax.”
Exempting Overtime pay requirements
The General Assembly also passed changes to Ohio’s overtime laws. Senate Bill 47 went go into effect July 6. The bill subjects our overtime laws to the same exemptions from overtime that are found in the federal Portal to Portal Act of 1947.
From the bill’s analysis:
The act exempts an employer from Ohio’s requirement to pay overtime wages to an employee for any time the employee spends doing any of the following:
- Walking, riding, or traveling to and from the actual place of performance of the principal activity or activities that the employee is employed to perform;
- Activities that are preliminary or postliminary to the principal activity or activities;
- Activities requiring insubstantial or insignificant periods of time beyond the employee’s scheduled working hours.
The exemption applies to any activity described above that occurs before the time on any particular workday that the employee commences the principal activity or after the time on any particular workday that employee stops performing the principal activity.
Some of the focus of proponent testimony in committee centered on the third bullet point because many Ohioans are now working from home. The bill will prevent employers from being liable for failing to pay overtime to an employee who, without direction from the employer, engages in de minimis time outside of the workday performing minor tasks like reading emails.
What is a PAC (political action committee)?
A PAC is a non-partisan, non-profit organization formed to raise voluntary contributions to use in supporting candidates for state elective offices who share the beliefs and concerns of the members of the PAC. PACs serve to raise and contribute money to the political campaigns of individuals whose platforms agree with the aims of the PAC.
Does the Ohio Pest Management Association (OPMA) have a PAC?
OPMA does have a PAC – the Ohio Pest Control Association Political Action Committee (PAC) is a separate entity established by OPMA. The PAC is formed in accordance with Ohio Law. It is a voluntary, non-profit political organization and is not affiliated with any political party.
How Do I Contribute to the OPMA PAC?
Voluntary contributions to the OPMA PAC must be made in the form of cash, credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) or personal checks. Cash, checks and credit cards from individuals, limited liability companies and partnerships are permitted. Ohio Law prohibits a political action committee from accepting any donations from corporations.
Ohio Pest Management Association 3053 Nationwide Parkway Brunswick, Ohio 44212 Tel: (614) 453-5776 [email protected]
